[WEBINARIUM] Pierwsze Seminarium Comparative Procedural Law and Justice
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Comparative Procedural Law and Justice

1st CPLJ Webinar

4 December 2020, 15:00 - 17:30 (CET)



W dniu 4 grudnia 2020 o godzinie 15.00 (CET) odbędzie się pierwsze seminarium naukowe w ramach projektu Instyttutu Maxa Plancka w Luksemburgu pt. Comparative Procedural Law and Justice (CPLJ).

W tym projekcie naukowym mam przyjemność uczestniczyć jako współkoordynator segmentu IX dotyczącego orzeczeń i środków zaskarżenia (wraz z prof. Christophem Kernem z Uniwersytetu w Heidelbergu). Projekt zakłada opracowanie wielotomowego kompendium obejmującego komparatystyczne ujęcie prawa procesowego cywilnego.

Pierwsze seminarium zapowiada się wyjątkowo interesująco. Szczegóły programu i możliwość zapisu dostępne są TUTAJ


O projekcie CPLJ

CPLJ is envisaged as a comprehensive study of comparative civil procedural law and civil dispute resolution schemes in the contemporary world. It aims at understanding procedural rules in their cultural context, as well as at highlighting workable approaches to the resolution of civil disputes. The project focuses on current developments in the field of comparative civil procedure from a global perspective. These include the influence of information technologies and artificial intelligence; the expansion of alternative dispute resolution; the most recent trends on access to justice and litigation funding; the challenges of collective litigation; and the growing needs for transparency and independence of the justice systems. The cultural dimensions and the methodology of comparative civil procedural law receive specific attention.

CPLJ will ultimately result in the publication of a Compendium on Comparative Civil Justice, accessible both online and in print (as a multi-volume publication). The Compendium is expected to illustrate the consolidation of comparative civil procedural law as a self-standing research area and to become one of the main sources of reference for future studies.